The pie shell ready for blind-baking. |
Fall in New England congers images of beautiful, colorful trees, stressed out students, and of course, pumpkin pies. To fight the usual fall semester stresses and help out a friend, I decided to make a couple (or 8) pumpkin pies using the recipe from the Flour cookbook. I'd been told that their recipe is to die for.
The recipe starts as most pie recipes do, with making the dough for the pie crust. This part was handled by my friend Ahmed. The crusts, as usual, were rich and buttery. The filling consists of canned pumpkin, spices and 3 different type of cream (oh yes).
Cooking the filling. |
The results were absolutely awesome. The filling was sooo rich and creamy. I absolutely loved it and I'm someone who isn't completely into pumpkin pies. Needless to say, those 8 pumpkin pies were demolished in no time by residents of Sidney-Pacific and graduate students in Mechanical Engineering. This recipe will definitely be used again next fall.
The final product. |